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Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)


The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a quality of life program that works to ensure that chronic medical and/or special educational needs for all dependents of active duty personnel are considered during the assignment process.  The EFMP team aims to support qualifying service members and their families through continuity of care, information and referral, and non-medical case management. 

The program has three components:

  1. Identification and Enrollment: Enrollment in the EFMP is required for all service members with dependents who have been identified with chronic medical and/or special educational needs. This includes any medical, dental, physical, mental health, developmental or educational requirement, wheelchair accessibility, adaptive equipment or assistive technology devices and services, et. al. for a period of 6 months or greater.
  2. Assignment Coordination: A projected assignment location must have both the capability and the capacity to meet the enrolled dependent’s need(s).
  3. Family Support: The EFMP provides information, referral, and non-clinical case management to families with special needs; as well as EFMP education and training for support personnel.


Required Forms:
DD 2792 – Exceptional Family Member Medical and Educational Summary
DD 2792-1 – Exceptional Family Member Special Education/ Early Intervention Summary

* DD2792-1 only required when applicable

NAVY: EFMP enrollment must be updated every 3 years for all permanent category assignments (Category 1-5) and annually for temporary category assignments (Category 6). Enrollment updates should also occur NLT 12 months prior to an anticipated Permanent Change of Station (PCS) and whenever a change in family status or special needs occur.

AIR FORCE: Please contact the local Special Needs Coordinator (SNC) for update needs


  1. Required forms and appropriate attachments are completed by sailor and appropriate personnel, generating enrollment package (instructions listed on Page 1 of forms)
  2. Enrollment package submitted to Medical Treatment Facility Coordinator (MTFC)
  3. MTFC conducts an administrative review to guarantee completion
  4. MTFC forwards enrollment package to Central Screening Committee (CSC)
  5. CSC reviews enrollment package to determine medical and/or educational eligibility; recommends category assignment to NAVPERSCOM
  6. NAVPERSCOM reviews enrollment package and CSC category recommendations; assigns final category and annotates the sailor’s detailing record

 Air Force

  1. EFM is identified
  2. Required forms and appropriate attachments are completed by airman and appropriate personnel, generating enrollment package (instructions listed on Page 1 of forms)
  3. Enrollment package submitted to Special Needs Coordinator (SNC)SNC conducts an administrative review to determine medical and/or educational eligibility
  4. Military Personnel Section receives enrollment designation letter
  5. Q-code added to airman’s record in MILPDS

*If the EFM is of majority age the service member may NOT fill out paperwork on their behalf.


One-on-one consultations, community outreach, non-medical case management, service plans, monthly bulletins, and distribution of information to families, commands/units, and leadership are some of the proactive support services maintained by the local EFMP liaison program. The liaison also provides training and education to support personnel throughout the local Navy and Air Force communities.  This includes APPOINTED COMMAND EFMP POC (NAVY) training offered quarterly.

MFSC EFMP Liaisons: provide assistance with navigation of systems; provide information/ referral services and non-medical case management.  The liaisons provide a link between military, local, and national community resources and the EFMP families who utilize support services. 


Kokua is “support” in Hawaiian and a very appropriate name for the local EFMP newsletter.  The KOKUA is a monthly compilation of information that aims to explore a theme related to the Exceptional Family Member Program, or an aspect of military life through from the scope of the EFMP family. This local initiative is an exciting way to learn about resources and information available in both the Oahu and military communities.


Sign-up to receive the bulletin by providing us your email address by clicking below:




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